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EXTERNALLY Representative Agreement

Please read and accept the terms in this agreement before continuing: 


General Terms and Conditions

1. Purpose of this Agreement
These General Terms and Conditions set forth the conditions under whi
ch a person may participate as an EXTERNALLY Representative (“REP”) and obtain the right to promote and sell EXTERNALLY Services and promote the EXTERNALLY Opportunity. The following documents shall apply to the Representative Application and Agreement (“Agreement”) and form an integral part hereof: these General Terms and Conditions, the Policies and Procedures, the Compensation Plan, the Privacy Policy as well as any supplementary documents provided to the REP by EXTERNALLY.

2. General Provisions
(a) REPs are compensated and promoted based on the successful promotion and sale of EXTERNALLY Services to Customers in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions and the Compensation Plan. Success as an REP is based on the REP’s individual efforts and abilities and no earnings, profits or business success are promised or guaranteed. No compensation is earned for the promo
tion of the EXTERNALLY Opportunity or the sponsorship of new REPs.
(b) It is illegal for a promoter or a participant in a trading programme to persuade anyone to make a payment by promising benefits from getting others to join the programme. Do not be misled by claims that high earnings are easily achieved. The contract terms, services, trading programmes and compensation systems of direct marketing companies are not subject to prior review or approval by any government agency.
(c) The person submitting this Application and Agreement confirms that the REP is authorised to enter into this Agreement with EXTERNALLY and that the Individual or Primary Contact Person identified in the Application (1) is at least 18 years of age; (2) is a citizen or legal resident of the United Kingdom; and (3) has authority to work in the United Kingdom. Individuals and/or companies resident in British Overseas Territories are excluded from becoming Representatives.
(d) Your Activity under this Agreement shall be centered in the United Kingdom; however, You may be able to promote EXTERNALLY Services and the EXTERNALLY Opportunity in any country in which the EXTERNALLY Group operates subject to these General Terms and Conditions and compliance with applicable laws and regulations in such countries.
(e) You have the right to withdraw from this Agreement and get your money back within 14 days in accordance with clause 12.

3. Definitions
Capitalised terms have the following meanings unless the context requires otherwise:

(a) EXTERNALLY, We, or Us means EXTERNALLY Ltd, Companies House No. 13892526, with its registered office at 125a South End, South Croydon, CR0 1BJ or, if the context requires, another member of the EXTERNALLY Group. EXTERNALLY Group means all legal persons under common ownership with EXTERNALLY Ltd.
EXTERNALLY ‘Rep’ or ‘Representative’ means an independent sales representative of Externally.

(c) EXTERNALLY Business Tools means training and marketing materials produced by EXTERNALLY or by an EXTERNALLY Business Partner exclusively for EXTERNALLY and available for purchase by Representatives from the EXTERNALLY Business Tools website.
EXTERNALLY Business Partner is a person with whom the EXTERNALLY Group contracts for the provision of EXTERNALLY Services, EXTERNALLY Business Tools or the EXTERNALLY Opportunity. Representatives are not EXTERNALLY Business Partners.
EXTERNALLY Opportunity means the business opportunity provided by EXTERNALLY to promote and sell EXTERNALLY Services and the EXTERNALLY Opportunity.
EXTERNALLY Services mean services offered to Customers by the EXTERNALLY Group, an Representative or an EXTERNALLY Business Partner.
“Compensation Plan” means the current country-specific commissions and bonuses plan by which an Representative is remunerated by EXTERNALLY for successfully promoting or selling EXTERNALLY Services.
“Customer” means a person who purchases EXTERNALLY Services from EXTERNALLY or an Representative.
“Customer Contract” means an agreement between (1) a Customer and (2) EXTERNALLY or an EXTERNALLY Business Partner for the purchase of EXTERNALLY Services. Agreements between an REP and a Customer are not Customer Contracts for the purpose of this Agreement.
“Distributorship”, “Activity” or “Position” means your business activity as an REP.
(k) “Downline” means an Representative’s sales organization and may include directly-sponsored Representatives and people sponsored by those Representatives.
(l) “Effective Date” means the date upon which an Representative and EXTERNALLY enter into this Agreement.
“Home Country” means the country in which a Distributorship is originally established.
“Representative” or “REP” means an individual or business entity that enters into an Agreement with EXTERNALLY for the promotion and sale of EXTERNALLY Services and the EXTERNALLY Opportunity. “You” refers to the REP entering into this Agreement.
“Intellectual Property” means all trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos, copyrighted materials, know-how, business documentation, operation methods, processes and systems and other proprietary rights owned by any member of the EXTERNALLY Group.
“Model Withdrawal Form” means a template form provided by EXTERNALLY which can be used by REPs to exercise their right of withdrawal under clause 12.1.
“Term” means the period starting on the Effective Date and expiring 12 months from the date the REP applied via the website to become a REP (the “Initial Term”) or any 12-month renewal period (“Renewal Term”).


4. REP Status
An REP is a self-employed independent contractor and is not an employee, partner, or legal representative of EXTERNALLY. An REP may select their own means, methods and manner of work and may choose the hours and locations of their activities, subject to the obligations of this Agreement. An REP conducts business for their own account and is responsible for all expenses, debts, and liabilities incurred in the operation of the REP’s Distributorship. EXTERNALLY shall not be responsible for paying or reimbursing any such costs. A REP’s compensation is based on the successful promotion and sale of EXTERNALLY Services and not on the amount of time worked.
An REP may not take the following actions in the name of or on behalf of EXTERNALLY: (a) incur obligations, debts, or liabilities; (b) sign any documents; (c) collect monies from Customers or REPs or (d) take any actions that could impose any obligation between EXTERNALLY and a third party. An REP agrees that the activities conducted by it under this Agreement are not intended as the REP’s main source of income and shall in no event be considered the REP’s primary activity. An REP joins EXTERNALLY and can promote and sell EXTERNALLY Services. REPs can also promote the EXTERNALLY Opportunity and directly sponsor REPs in any country in which the EXTERNALLY Group operates provided that they comply with local laws, regulations.

5. Financial Obligations of REPs

Limit on Purchases in the First 7 Days

Your only financial obligations to Externally under this Agreement are to pay for the Externally services (including any starter kits and brochures etc.) You choose to order, and to pay any additional fees (such as delivery or handling fees) as are anticipated by this Agreement.

A REP is not required to purchase EXTERNALLY Services or EXTERNALLY Business Tools. If an REP purchases EXTERNALLY Services, the REP is subject to the terms and conditions of the applicable Customer Contract, provided that, if the REP fails to pay for EXTERNALLY Services, EXTERNALLY may, in addition to any remedies in the Customer Contract,

If You attempt to purchase EXTERNALLY Services and your total purchase exceeds GBP 200, your order will not be processed. EXTERNALLY will contact You at the end of the 7 days to confirm whether You want to continue with your order. If You decide to place an order after the 7-day period, EXTERNALLY will use the payment method that You provided with your Application to process your order.

6. Use of Intellectual Property
The EXTERNALLY Group is the owner of all Intellectual Property. By this Agreement EXTERNALLY gives REPs a non-exclusive license to use the Intellectual Property for the purpose of promoting and selling EXTERNALLY Services and the EXTERNALLY Opportunity, as further specified in this Agreement and the Policies and Procedures. This Agreement does not convey any other rights to the Intellectual Property. REPs may not alter the Intellectual Property or any materials containing it without EXTERNALLY’s prior written approval. Unauthorised use of the Intellectual Property is a violation of this Agreement and may be unlawful. The right of use granted by this clause 6 may be terminated by EXTERNALLY at any time without notice and shall end upon termination of this Agreement.

7. Use of Marketing and Training Materials
REPs may only use printed and electronic materials that are produced or approved by EXTERNALLY to promote or sell EXTERNALLY Services and the EXTERNALLY Opportunity and to train other REPs. REPs may not make a profit from the sale or resale of marketing or training materials, whether produced by EXTERNALLY or the REP, but REPs may charge for such materials in an amount intended solely to recover the REP’s direct costs.


8. Promotion of EXTERNALLY Services and the EXTERNALLY Opportunity

REPs may use only direct selling and relational marketing to promote EXTERNALLY Services and the EXTERNALLY Opportunity. REPs shall adhere to the highest ethical standards and all applicable laws and regulations. REPs are responsible for complying with all local, national and European laws, regulations, and industry codes applicable to the REP’s Activity. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, REPs shall:

  • identify themselves as an EXTERNALLY Representative to prospective Customers.

  • provide full, truthful, and clear information about EXTERNALLY and the terms, conditions, and prices of EXTERNALLY Services, and the EXTERNALLY Opportunity and about EXTERNALLY’s after-sales service;

  • not use misleading, deceptive, or unfair sales practices or make false, misleading, or exaggerated claims about, EXTERNALLY Services or the EXTERNALLY Opportunity. The REP must not use misleading, deceptive or unfair recruiting methods.

  • present the EXTERNALLY Opportunity as nothing less than an equal opportunity regardless of ethnic background, sexuality, gender, nationality or religious or political beliefs;

  • not promote, discuss or offer EXTERNALLY Product, EXTERNALLY Services, the EXTERNALLY Opportunity or EXTERNALLY, its staff and REPs in general together with any religious, spiritual or political organisations or individuals which implies any business or social associations between EXTERNALLY and the organisation or individual;

  • only make such claims about EXTERNALLY Services and the EXTERNALLY Opportunity as are contained in official EXTERNALLY materials or otherwise authorised by EXTERNALLY;

  • advise potential Customers and REPs of their right to withdraw from a Customer Contract or an Representative Application and Agreement;

  • provide Customers and new REPs with access to and copies of any required documents, including the Customer Contract or the Representative Application and Agreement, the terms and conditions, the prices, and an invoice; and

  • provide heightened protection to vulnerable persons. When promoting and selling EXTERNALLY Services, REPs shall ensure that prospective Customers are given the opportunity to review the terms and conditions and price lists for the EXTERNALLY Services that they intend to purchase prior to submitting an order. For a Customer who does not purchase EXTERNALLY Services online from EXTERNALLY, REPs shall provide the following documents and information to the Customer at the time of purchase:

  1. a written copy of the Customer Contract (including the terms and conditions, and the prices);

  2. an invoice; and

  3. When promoting the EXTERNALLY Opportunity, REPs shall ensure that prospective REPs are given the opportunity to review these General Terms and Conditions, the Policies and Procedures, and the Compensation Plan prior to submitting an Application. REPs shall inform prospective REPs that success as an REP depends on the successful promotion and sale of EXTERNALLY Services to Customers. REPs shall not make any representation, promise or guarantee that prospective REPs may or will obtain any specific earnings, profits, or business success or that such earnings, profits, or business success are easily achievable.
    An REP’s failure to adhere to the provisions of this clause 8 will subject the REP to compliance action under clause 21. An REP shall indemnify EXTERNALLY pursuant to clause 17 if EXTERNALLY incurs any financial or other liability as a result of the REP’s non-compliance with this clause 8.

9. Ethics and Compliance with Law
The promotion and sale of EXTERNALLY Services and the EXTERNALLY Opportunity is subject to governmental regulation by local, national, and European governmental authorities. REPs shall adhere to all applicable laws and regulations when promoting EXTERNALLY Services and the EXTERNALLY Opportunity. This obligation includes, but is not limited to:
• compliance with all laws, regulations, and industry codes applicable to the promotion and sale of EXTERNALLY Services, and the EXTERNALLY Opportunity, including consumer protection, direct selling, distance selling, telecommunications, and data protection rules; • obtaining any permits, trade licenses, or registrations, including visas and work authorizations, required in any country in which an REP chooses to operate their business;
• maintaining accurate and complete records (such as order forms, invoices, and receipts) in connection with the operation of the REP’s business;
• making all registrations, notifications, and filings necessary to ensure the proper assessment and payment of taxes (including personal and corporate income tax, national or local business taxes and VAT), governmental fees, and social contributions (such as social security and pensions); and
9. A REP’s failure to cooperate with such a request may result in compliance action under clause 21. An REP shall indemnify EXTERNALLY pursuant to clause 17 if EXTERNALLY incurs any financial or other liability as a result of the REP’s non-compliance with this clause 9.

10. Compensation
REPs are compensated and promoted to higher positions in accordance with the then-current Compensation Plan and based on the successful sale of EXTERNALLY Services by REPs and the REPs’ Downline. An REP understands and acknowledges that success as an REP is determined by the REP’s own efforts and abilities and that an REP is not guaranteed any specific earnings, profits, or business success. An REP confirms that neither EXTERNALLY nor another REP has promised or guaranteed specific earnings, profits, or business success. No compensation is earned for the promotion of the EXTERNALLY Opportunity or the recruitment or sponsoring of new REPs. An REP expressly agrees that the Compensation Plan may be modified by EXTERNALLY without prior notice (without affecting the REP’s financial obligations) and that any such change does not give rise to a claim for damages by the REP against EXTERNALLY. The REP’s continuation of Activity pursuant to this Agreement following a change to the Compensation Plan shall be deemed acceptance of such change. An REP acknowledges that the REP must have an active Distributorship at the time compensation is paid in order to receive payment. An REP confirms that the provisions of this clause 10 are reflected in the consideration provided under this Agreement and in the decision by the REP to enter into this Agreement.


11. Invoices and Payment of Compensation
An REP and EXTERNALLY agree to use self-billing for the services rendered by the REP to EXTERNALLY. The REP authorises EXTERNALLY to prepare and issue invoices (“Invoices”) in the name and for the account of the REP. Invoices will be prepared and issued electronically by EXTERNALLY following the end of the relevant reporting period. EXTERNALLY shall notify the REP by email that an Invoice is available. If the REP does not object to an Invoice within 3 days of the issue date, the Invoice will be deemed accepted by the REP and sent back to EXTERNALLY for payment. The parties agree that this delivery method constitutes acceptance of the Invoice. EXTERNALLY shall issue sequentially numbered invoices using a number block assigned to the REP. The REP acknowledges that a fee will be applied for processing payments to the REP. EXTERNALLY shall provide You with an adequate record of all goods and services supplied to You by EXTERNALLY in respect of which payment is due from You, which record may take the form of an itemized order form, invoice or receipt, and shall provide full and accurate financial details of all transactions and how deductions are calculated. EXTERNALLY shall use reasonable measures to ensure the authenticity of origin and integrity of content of Invoices, including (a) limiting access to Invoices to authorised EXTERNALLY personnel; (b) requiring REPs to use a unique user ID and password to access Invoices; and (c) employing other technical means to prevent unauthorised access to or alteration or deletion of Invoices. REPs shall not modify or delete any Invoice and shall prevent unauthorised access to Invoices using an REP’s login details. An REP shall promptly inform EXTERNALLY of any change to their name, address, VAT registration, or other details that may affect the issuance of Invoices. If an REP is or becomes registered as a VAT payer and fails to inform EXTERNALLY of such registration, EXTERNALLY shall have no financial or other responsibility with respect to previously issued invoices and no obligation to re-issue Invoices.

12. Ending this Agreement

12.1. Cancellation During the Withdrawal Period You may cancel this Agreement within 14 days of the Effective Date ("Withdrawal Period") without giving a reason. and You may require EXTERNALLY to repay to You within 14 days any monies which you have paid to or for the benefit of EXTERNALLY or any of its other REPs in connection with your participation in this trading programme or in accordance with the provisions of this trading programme. To exercise your cancellation right, You must send a completed Model Withdrawal Form or otherwise notify your cancellation to EXTERNALLY before the end of the Withdrawal Period. If You have activated Your Business Assistant, your subscription will automatically be terminated with the withdrawal from this Agreement.

12.2. Termination Following the Withdrawal Period
After the expiration of the Withdrawal Period, an REP may terminate this Agreement upon 14 days’ written notice to EXTERNALLY.

12.3. Termination of this Agreement by EXTERNALLY
EXTERNALLY may terminate this Agreement at any time in writing upon 14 days’ notice to an REP or immediately if an REP breaches this Agreement or any of the integrating documents referred to in the Policies and Procedures. In that event You may return purchases in accordance with clause 13.2.

12.4. Exclusions
This clause 12 does not apply to EXTERNALLY Services or EXTERNALLY products purchased by an REP as a Customer. An REP’s rights with respect to those purchases are governed by the terms and conditions applicable to such purchases.

14. Contractual Liabilities Following Termination
Upon termination of this Agreement, an REP shall be released from all obligations under this Agreement except for (a) liabilities relating to payments made to the REP; (b) amounts owed by the REP for EXTERNALLY products, or EXTERNALLY Business Tools that are not eligible for refund under clause 12; (c) the provisions of clauses 8-9, 16-18, and this clause 14. An REP may not challenge the amount or validity of any settlement agreement or payment arising from this Agreement following termination.

15. Renewal
At the end of a Term, an REP may request renewal of the Distributorship by completing the renewal procedure and paying the Annual Renewal Fee. Renewal shall constitute a new Agreement between the REP and EXTERNALLY under the terms and conditions, Policies and Procedures and Compensation Plan applicable to REPs at the time the renewal is completed. If an REP does not renew, the Agreement shall terminate at the end of the Term (subject to any applicable grace period) and the REP shall forfeit all rights under this Agreement, including the right to receive future compensation. EXTERNALLY may reject a request for renewal in its sole discretion.

16. Limitation of Liability
EXTERNALLY shall be liable only for direct damages suffered by REPs in the event of willful or grossly negligent conduct by EXTERNALLY. EXTERNALLY shall not be liable for any other direct or for any indirect damages or losses suffered by REPs or any other person, including lost profits, resulting from any other act, error, or omission of EXTERNALLY or an EXTERNALLY Business Partner. An REP confirms that the liability limitations of this clause 16 are reflected in the consideration provided under this Agreement and in the decision by the REP to enter into this Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, an REP expressly agrees that it shall have no claim against EXTERNALLY or any EXTERNALLY Business Partner for (a) discontinuance or modification of any EXTERNALLY Service (b) modifications to the terms and conditions of the EXTERNALLY Opportunity, this Agreement, or the Compensation Plan; (c) the refusal or inability by EXTERNALLY or an EXTERNALLY Business Partner to provide EXTERNALLY Services to a Customer; (d) termination of the relationship between a Customer and EXTERNALLY or an EXTERNALLY Business Partner; (e) removal of a Customer from the account of an REP or a member of the REP’s Downline as a result of compliance or disciplinary proceedings; or (f) changes to an REP’s remuneration or position in the Compensation Plan as a result of compliance or disciplinary actions against the REP or a member of the REP’s Downline.

17. Indemnification
An REP shall indemnify and hold harmless EXTERNALLY and EXTERNALLY Business Partners from all liabilities, damages, losses, or claims arising from the REP’s acts or omissions in violation of this Agreement. EXTERNALLY may recover any such liabilities or costs by offsetting such amount from compensation due to the REP or any available legal means.

18. Loyalty
During the Term of this Agreement and for 6 months following termination, an REP shall not, directly or indirectly: • solicit, encourage, or entice another EXTERNALLY REP, whether active or inactive, to participate in a direct selling programme offered by another company, whether or not the services offered by such company are similar to EXTERNALLY Services;
• take any action to transfer a Customer to a provider of comparable services or products, or to induce a Customer to transfer, whether or not the REP has promoted EXTERNALLY Services to the Customer; or
• solicit or enter into an employment, marketing, or other contractual relationship with an EXTERNALLY Business Partner. An REP confirms that the provisions of this clause 18 are reflected in the consideration provided under this Agreement and in the decision by the REP to enter into this Agreement. Violation of this clause 18 may result in (a) compliance action under clause 21; (b) the suspension or termination of this Agreement by EXTERNALLY for breach; (c) forfeiture of the REP’s rights under this Agreement; and (d) legal or other action by EXTERNALLY against the REP.


19. Confidentiality
An REP shall not reveal to any other person any confidential information or Intellectual Property of EXTERNALLY that may come into the REP’s knowledge, including information on the REP’s Downline and any Customers of EXTERNALLY. An REP shall not use confidential information in a manner that may damage EXTERNALLY.

20. Personal Data
20.1. Collection and Processing of REP Personal Data EXTERNALLY collects, maintains, and processes information, including personal data, from REPs within the scope of the General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”), as amended, and in accordance with the Privacy Policy, by electronic and non-electronic means. Personal data is used by EXTERNALLY for (a) the discharge of its duties under this Agreement; (b) calculation and payment of compensation to REPs; (c) provision of services to REPs; (d) communications to REPs including marketing opportunities related to EXTERNALLY Services; (e) fulfilment of legal, financial, accounting, and administrative functions; and (f) protection of EXTERNALLY’s legal and contractual rights. REPs’ personal data may be transferred to (a) other members of the EXTERNALLY Group; (b) employees, external consultants, and advisors of the EXTERNALLY Group; (c) other REPs; (d) EXTERNALLY Business Partners; and (e) other recipients permitted by law. Some recipients of REPs’ personal data may be located in countries outside the European Union, including the United States, which are deemed not to provide equivalent data protection. The GDPR requires that EXTERNALLY provides appropriate safeguards to transfer personal data to countries that do not ensure an adequate level of protection. In order to meet this obligation, EXTERNALLY entered into standard contractual clauses with recipients of personal data in such non-adequate countries. The collection of REPs’ personal data for the above purposes is essential for the discharge of EXTERNALLY’s obligations under this Agreement and the conduct of EXTERNALLY’s business. Failure by REPs to provide requested data or the withholding or withdrawal by REPs of their consent to use such data may result in rejection of the Application or termination of the Agreement.

20.2. Processing of Personal Data by EXTERNALLY
EXTERNALLY agrees (a) to process personal data fairly and lawfully; (b) to take reasonable measures to ensure that personal data are complete and accurate; (c) not to use personal data for any unlawful purpose; (d) to collect only personal data necessary for the purposes set forth in clause 20.1; and (e) to take appropriate measures to secure personal data against access by or disclosure to unauthorised persons. An REP may exercise their rights under the GDPR to access to and correct or delete personal data in accordance with the GDPR and EXTERNALLY’s procedures by contacting EXTERNALLY REP Services in writing at or its registered address.

20.3. Use of Personal Data for Marketing Communications and Research
With an REP’s express consent and in accordance with the Privacy Policy, EXTERNALLY may use the REP’s personal data for the purpose of sending commercial and marketing communications to the REP and for scientific and market research and opinion polls. The REP’s personal data may be transferred to third parties, including other members of the EXTERNALLY Group, other REPs, and EXTERNALLY Business Partners for these purposes. An REP may withhold or withdraw their consent for EXTERNALLY to use REP’s personal data for these purposes at any time.

20.4. REPs Handling Customer and REP Data
REPs may have access to personal data of Customers and other REPs. REPs shall treat such personal data as confidential information under clause 19 and shall handle such personal data in compliance with the GDPR and this Agreement. REPs shall provide prospective Customers and REPs with any privacy information or documentation required by EXTERNALLY or EXTERNALLY Business Partners.

21. Violations of this Agreement by REPs
Violations of this Agreement by REPs, including violations of these General Terms and Conditions, Policies and Procedures or attempts to take improper advantage of the Compensation Plan, shall be considered a breach of this Agreement and may subject REPs to legal action and compliance proceedings under the processes set forth in the Policies and Procedures. Disciplinary action for demonstrated violations is at the sole discretion of EXTERNALLY. An REP agrees that all compliance proceedings and appeals therefrom will be handled exclusively in accordance with the processes set forth in the Policies and Procedures, and the REP waives their right to seek relief from the courts or any other adjudicative body. An REP agrees that their Distributorship may be suspended while a compliance investigation is ongoing.

22. Entire Agreement
This Agreement comprises the entire agreement between the REP and EXTERNALLY. Prior communications, representations, arrangements, express or implied warranties and conditions made by any person concerning this Agreement, whether written or oral, are expressly excluded from this Agreement and are unenforceable.

23. Modification
This Agreement may be modified by EXTERNALLY at any time and without prior notice. Any communication by EXTERNALLY or EXTERNALLY Business Partners to REPs regarding such changes shall be deemed effective notice, including but not limited to information posted in the REP Back Office. By continuing to promote EXTERNALLY Services or the EXTERNALLY Opportunity after notice, an REP shall be deemed to have consented to the modification of the Agreement. An REP confirms that the provisions of this clause 23 are reflected in the consideration provided under this Agreement and in the decision by the REP to enter into this Agreement.

24. Notices
Except as provided in clause 23, any notice under this Agreement shall be in writing and sent by post, facsimile, or electronic mail to the address or telephone number designated by the non-notifying party. Any notice period shall commence on the day notice is sent.

25. Assignment
This Agreement is binding upon and inures to the benefit of the heirs, successors, and assignees of EXTERNALLY and an REP. EXTERNALLY may assign this Agreement to another member of the EXTERNALLY Group at any time. An REP may not assign or transfer the rights or obligations of this Agreement or the REP position without the prior written consent of EXTERNALLY.


26. Severability
If any provision of the Agreement is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, in part or in whole, the remaining provisions shall not be affected.

27. Media Contacts
REPs shall not communicate with any print, radio, television, Internet, or other media outlet on behalf of EXTERNALLY or any EXTERNALLY Business Partner without the prior written approval of EXTERNALLY. Media inquiries regarding EXTERNALLY shall be referred to EXTERNALLY.


28. Waiver
The failure of EXTERNALLY or REPs to require performance of this Agreement shall not affect the right of the waiving party to require the other party to desist from or remedy any breach of this Agreement and shall not be construed as a waiver by the party of a claim for enforcement of the Agreement or damages for any continuing or future breach.

29. Choice of Law and Venue
This Agreement is subject to the laws of England and Wales. Disputes arising under or related to this Agreement or in relation to other agreements between EXTERNALLY and an REP shall be resolved exclusively by the courts of England and Wales.

© 2023. Effective 12th January 2023.

View our privacy policy here.

Externally is the trading name of Externally Ltd. Company Registration No. 13892526, Registered address: 8 Laurel Crescent, Croydon, CR0 8LB

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